Article Information League 2000

League 2000

League 2000 is in full swing. Unfortunately numbers have had to be restricted due to Covid policies, but there are still more than enough participants to make for a really fun series. Here are a few photos from this Monday’s meeting and a larger gallery can be found here.

It’s great fun, with a skills course, time trial and handicapped circuit races. It’s also great for both children and parents to catch up with like-minded people and make new friends.

The series has a few more weeks to run, so it’s not too late to get involved. Entrants must register for each event online – full details on the Wheelers’ website.

Article Community

Dave Holden – Funeral

From Stephen Holden :-

I have provided details of the funeral arrangements. We can support a small contingent of six members, although we appreciate the current pandemic may not be conducive to some members attending

The details are below.

As valued friends of Dave and family over many years we would like you to join with us at in the service in a celebration of his life and to mark his passing.

The funeral service will take place on Friday 30 October at Kirkleatham Crematorium at 3pm. The cortege will be leaving from 28 Bydales Drive at 2.45pm. Social distancing will be observed throughout the service.

Live Webcast
A live webcast of the service will be available over the internet for those unable to attend and Log-in details are provided below. A Test Webcast is available which we recommend you view in plenty of time before the of the service.

Username: Dake7349
Password: 740064

Service Viewing Time: 2.55pm – 3.55pm (if logging in prior to this time you will automatically be directed to the funeral service once it starts)
Should you be unable to view the Live service, a recorded version will be available to view from Friday 6 November to Wednesday 9 November.

Many thanks for the friendship and support you have given Dave and family over the years and the kind thoughts in cards and flowers you have sent, they have been greatly appreciated and provided much comfort at this sad time.

Margaret, Stephen & Anne Holden

Article Community

Dave Holden – A tribute

Dave Holden, who sadly died last week, was a founding member and the first chairman of Cleveland Wheelers. As a tribute to him we’ve taken the opportunity to reproduce an article that he wrote for the Spokesman magazine on the club’s 50th anniversary in 2008.

Fifty years ago cycling politics was in crisis. The National Cyclists Union, the governing body for road racing (often called “mass start” in those days) sensibly insisted that events should be held on closed roads.

However, apart from a few prestige events like the Isle of Man, and locally the Richmond Road Race, ‘mass start’ events usually meant riders getting dizzy racing round and round a trading estate until the officials ran out of fingers and toes to count the laps; then there was a problem keeping count of all those who’d been lapped on such a short circuit. This type of racing was a minority but growing interest at the time and the rival British League of Racing Cyclists was formed to run events which mixed riders up with traffic. The NCU promptly excommunicated the BLRC and its members. Meanwhile the RTTC had dropped its requirement for all black attire it but still required the first rider be pushed off well before the lark had staggered out of its nest. And track racing! That was something we just read about.

Article Community Tri

Arthur Puckrin – A tribute

Arthur Puckrin, who sadly died recently, was a long time member of Cleveland Wheelers and for many years was a regular feature at the Evening Series.

Cycling was not his chosen sport however. He was primarily a triathlete or more specifically an ultra triathlete. He was attracted to endurance events which took days to complete.

Before we had the club website Arthur used to write up his exploits for inclusion in the club magazine, The Spokesman. This is one such article which appeared in the Winter 2002/03 edition.

I think it gives some indication of the measure of the man.

Article Time Trials

Putting the trial into TT – the Teesdale Mountain Time Trial

Time trialling is a strange pleasure, especially for the majority of participants who are never going to actually win. There is no TT equivalent of a freaky round of golf (the day when your mishits are so bad they sail right over the gorse onto the next fairway) when you can score 8 or 10 shots better than normal. Most time-triallists are largely competing with themselves – their previous performances on the same course, their times against those always around their level, but most of all, during the event, their mind trying to win over their body to just keep going.